May 26, 2009

EduVolution (English Version)

EduVolution (Indonesian Version)

EduVolution: A Day to Change The Generation

EduVolution: A Day to Change The Generation

SURABAYA- During this May, a huge event of CSR called EduVolution was held to give away a full kindergarten scholarship for 25 low economy class children aged 3-5 years old. This CSR event are fully supported by the cooperation of Dollydot Shop and Anak Emas Pre-School. EduVolution is the start line to change the generation by wiping out BUTA HURUF and send them to school to learn ABC’s. This event is also the climax of Dollydot’s Program titled Mission 4 Indonesian Generation following the first show called ‘Charity Night of Education’ that has been held on May, 19th. .
The philosophy of the name EduVolution which come from the combination of the words, Education and Revolution is reffered to a simple kick-start to change Indonesia’s next generation. “As we know, the Government’s Incentive for the nation’s education is have always been inadequate to serve our young generation with a proper education, leave them with nothing but knowledge. Indonesia’s next generation is forced to make money while they should be learning. This leaves Indonesia left behind another country in the qualities of Human Resources” said Devina Susilo, the director of Dollydot. According to the survey of Human Development Report, Indonesia is in the rank of 12 from 12 countries, below Philipines and Vietnam. Dollydot and Anak Emas put so much hope on EduVolution as it will simply kick-start a new way of thinking about education with a small help from us to wipe out stupidity, we can change the entire generation and lead to revolution to greatness. “We hope that from this simple event, we can be a role model for other company to put a bigger concern and awareness about the next generation’s future” said Maria Yohanna, the head of Public Relations Division of AnakEmas Pre-School.
For this event, Dollydot Shop and Anak Emas pre-school will open the chance for those unfortunate children by inviting people to apply forms needed in the closest Dollydot Shop and AnakEmas Pre-School. The forms-collecting deadline is on May, 29th 2009. Followed by the announcement of the 25 chosen lucky child which will be held the next day (30/5) at Anak Emas Pre-School 6 pm onwards. The announcement will be hosted by Oky Lukman and starred by EduVolution’s Celebrity Endorsers, Nidji, the group band singer of Laskar Pelangi. The chosen 25 will then be sent to AnakEmas Pre-School to start their class day on the month of July without any registration fee and monthly tuition fee. The parents of those 25 chosen kids can send their children to learn and play without being burdened by their economic status, because that would be absolutely free.
So, come on and step forward in the path to change their future.

About Dollydot
dollydottm baby shop is a leading company in baby and toddler’s fashionable wear retail business. Dollydot was established based on interest in building a way new stylish yet comfortable baby wear and accessories for baby and toddler. Dollydot produce a creative baby and toddler wear that can expand as the baby grows for the approximate limit of a year and a half. Dollydot has also produced new line of Kids wear for girls called dollydot gal and a series of accessories including pacifier, belt, handbag and many others.

About Anak Emas Pre-School
Anak Emas Pre-school is an International Kindergarten and Playgroup school which is located at Jalan Jendederal Sudirman 7 Surabaya, East Java. Anak Emas was established on March 2009. Anak Emas is the only one International Kindergarten and Playgroup school in Indonesia which based on globalitation without makes Indonesia values and knowledge becomes faded.


For further information and assistance, please contact:
Public Relations Officer of Dollydot Shop
Stephanie Wiradjaja
Phone : (031) 5667676
Handphone : 081703370290
Website :

Public Relations Officers of Anak Emas Pre-School
Jenderal Sudirman 7 Street, Surabaya-Indonesia, 78112
Office : (031) 733-6543
Fax : (031) 765-7654
Email :
Website :
Blog :

May 24, 2009

"Bangkitlah Indonesiaku"

May 23, 2009

Lessons and Activities

May 13, 2009

Anak Emas Pre-School Budayakan Peduli Sejak Dini


Surabaya, 09 Mei 2009  Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Kebangkitan Nasional yang jatuh pada tanggal 20 Mei, ANAK EMAS Preschool akan menggelar berbagai kegiatan sosial. Dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan budaya peduli sejak dini, para murid ANAK EMAS diajak untuk peduli pada sesama dan lingkungannya. Hal ini diwujudkan dengan menanam 20 bibit pohon di sekitar lingkungan sekolah bagi murid TK dan bagi adik-adik yang berada di kelas Playgroup akan berbagi kecerian bersama dengan teman-teman di panti asuhan Matahari Terbit.

Aksi sosial yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21 Mei tersebut merupakan suatu tindakan yang kecil namun berarti untuk kelangsungan pembentukan kepribadian yang harus dibentuk sejak dini. “Untuk menumbuhkan rasa kepedulian pada orang lain dan pada lingkungan, haruslah dilakukan sedari kecil. Dan inilah waktu yang tepat” jelas Lisa Rahmawati, selaku pendiri ANAK EMAS Pre-School.

Sekolah ANAK EMAS memang berstandar internasional, namun yang membuatnya berbeda dari sekolah internasional lainnya adalah ANAK EMAS tidak mengabaikan budaya bangsa Indonesia. “Ya, karena nantinya anak-anak inilah penerus bangsa ini. Maka dari itu saya selalu menekankan budaya-budaya Indonesia yang baik melalui sistem pembelajaran dan sekaligus mempraktikannya langsung agar nantinya mereka bisa terus melakukannya di kehidupan sehari-hari” tambahnya lagi.

Dua bentuk kepedulian siswa-siswi ANAK EMAS ini juga merupakan bentuk perwujudan dari Corporate Social Responsibility  CSR  dari ANAK EMAS Pre-school, sekaligus memenuhi misi “Meningkatkan kepedulian sosial anak dalam ranah internal maupun eksternal”. Program ini juga telah mendapat dukungan penuh dari para orangtua murid ANAK EMAS. “Semua orangtua pasti menginginkan anaknya untuk menjadi pribadi yang baik dan yang peduli, tidak hanya pada sesamanya tapi juga pada lingkungan sekitarnya. Dan kami yakin kegiatan ini akan memberikan dampak yang besar untuk anak-anak kami nantinya. Kami juga berharap penanaman budaya kepedulian ini tidak hanya mandek selesai program ini,” ujar salah seorang wali murid yang diikuti anggukan dari orangtua murid yang lain.

Tentang ANAK EMAS Pre-school (PG dan TK)
ANAK EMAS Pre-school merupakan institusi pendidikan dasar internasional (Playgroup dan Kindergarten) yang berdomisili di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. ANAK EMAS yang berdiri sejak 2009, merupakan satu-satunya institusi pendidikan dasar internasional yang mengedepankan globalisasi, tanpa melunturkan nilai-nilai dan wawasan Indonesia dengan menyajikan metode pembelajaran dan wawasan akan budaya Indonesia. Dan pada Maret 2009 yang lalu, ANAK EMAS telah meresmikan sekolah yang dihadiri oleh Wakil Presiden Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla.

Contact Person:
Public Relations Officers of Anak Emas Pre-School
Office : (031) 733-6543
Fax : (031) 765-7654
Email :
Website :

"Lama-Lama Bisa Ngalahin Winda Idol"